Are www or no www same?

The World Wide Web has been around for decades, and with it came the use of WWW. However, in recent years, many websites have ditched the WWW prefix altogether. So what’s the difference? The truth is that there is no real difference between a website with or without WWW. Both versions will take you to the same website as long as they are correctly set up.

When it comes down to preference, some people may prefer using URLs with www because it is more familiar and traditional. Others may find having a shorter URL without www cleaner and easier to remember. Regardless of which version you choose, what matters most is consistency throughout your website links.

From an SEO perspective, having consistent URLs can be beneficial in improving search engine rankings by avoiding duplicate content issues that can arise from having both www and non-www versions of a website. Ultimately, whether you choose to include WWW in your URL or not, make sure all internal links across your site use the same version for consistency.

What should we choose www or no www?

When it comes to choosing whether or not to use the “www” in your website’s URL, there really is no right or wrong answer. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what works best for your specific website. However, there are a few things to consider when making this decision.

One factor to think about is consistency. It’s important to choose one version of your website’s URL and stick with it across all pages and links. This will help ensure that search engines recognize your site as one entity instead of splitting up its authority between multiple versions.

Another consideration is how easy it is for users to remember and type in your website’s URL. Some people may find it simpler to remember and enter without the “www”, while others may be more accustomed to typing it out. Ultimately, you want your website’s URL to be as user-friendly as possible.

In conclusion, the decision on whether or not to use “www” in your website’s URL ultimately boils down personal preference and consistency across all pages and links. Just make sure that whichever option you choose aligns with user-friendliness so visitors can easily access the site no matter which way they type its address into their browser bar.

Why choose WWW

One reason why you might prefer to use www is for consistency. Many people are used to typing in www before a domain name, so by including it in your URL, visitors will feel more familiar and comfortable navigating your site. Additionally, using www can make it easier for search engines to identify your site as a subdomain of your main domain.

Why not to choose WWW

Choosing to use “www” can actually cause more harm than good. Firstly, using “www” adds unnecessary length to your URL and makes it harder for users to remember and type in correctly.

In addition, not using the “www” prefix has some advantages that may not be immediately obvious. For one thing, having a shorter URL can improve your website’s overall aesthetics and perception with users. Shorter URLs are also easier to share on social media platforms like Twitter where character limits are enforced. Additionally, omitting “www” from your URL can help simplify technical configurations and make it easier to manage DNS records.

SEO Impact of WWW

The impact of including or excluding “www” in your website’s URL on search engine optimization (SEO) is a debated topic. Some experts argue that it can affect the way search engines index and rank your site, while others claim that it doesn’t matter at all.

One argument for using “www” is that it makes your domain more readable and memorable to users, which could potentially improve click-through rates. However, others argue that using “www” can create duplicate content issues if not properly configured with canonical tags.

On the other hand, omitting “www” from your URL can also have its advantages. It can make your site appear cleaner and shorter, which may be more visually appealing to some users. Additionally, some experts suggest that using a shorter URL can help boost rankings as long as proper redirects are set up to avoid any duplicate content issues.

Ultimately, whether or not you choose to include “www” in your website’s URL is up to personal preference and may not significantly impact SEO either way. However, it’s important to ensure proper redirects are set up if you decide to switch between the two options.

User Experience with WWW

When it comes to website URLs, there are two variations that may appear: with or without “www.” These two versions might seem interchangeable, but they can actually have an impact on the user experience. For instance, if a user types in the URL without the “www” and your site isn’t configured to handle it properly, they might encounter a broken link or error message. This can lead to frustration and potentially cause them to leave your site altogether.

To avoid this issue, it’s important to ensure that both versions of your URL work correctly. This is especially true if you rely heavily on organic search traffic from Google or other search engines. In addition to ensuring proper functionality, you may also want to consider using canonical tags or redirects to consolidate any potential duplicate content issues that could arise from having multiple versions of your site’s URL.

Ultimately, whether you choose to use “www” in your website’s URL is up to personal preference. However, by making sure both versions of your site’s URL are functional and avoiding any duplicate content issues, you can improve the overall user experience for all visitors who come across your site.

Are WWW or no WWW Same?

The debate over whether to use the WWW or not in a website’s URL has been ongoing for many years. Some webmasters believe that including WWW in their website’s URL is important, while others think it’s unnecessary. In reality, both options are essentially the same and will lead users to the same website.

However, there are some technical differences between using WWW or not in a website’s URL. For example, when using the WWW prefix, it creates a CNAME record for your domain which points to another server hosting your actual site content. On the other hand, without using www prefix makes your domain name an A Record pointing directly at an IP address of your web host.

Another difference is that using or not using “www” changes how cookies work across subdomains. If you use “www” then cookies will only be shared with subdomains that also have “www”- so if you want to share cookies across all subdomains (including those without www), you’ll need to pick one option and stick with it consistently on every page of your site.

In conclusion, deciding whether or not to include “WWW” in a website’s URL ultimately comes down to personal preference and doesn’t affect SEO performance unless improperly implemented. It’s crucial though once you choose one option; stick with it consistently throughout your site pages as this can cause issues like split analytics tracking and split SEO authority otherwise.


In conclusion, it is recommended to choose between using or not using WWW in your website’s URL. While it does not affect the functionality of your website, it can impact its SEO and branding. Including WWW in your URL can make your website seem more traditional and established, which may be beneficial for businesses that want to present a more professional image. However, omitting WWW can make URLs shorter and easier to remember for users.

Moreover, choosing one option over the other can also impact your website’s analytics data. If you do not set a preferred domain in Google Search Console, traffic data could be split between the two versions of your site with and without WWW. This means that you may have a harder time accurately tracking user behavior on your site.

Ultimately, the decision to include or exclude WWW from your URL comes down to personal preference and what works best for your brand’s identity and digital marketing goals. It is important to consider all factors carefully before making a final decision.